
One of the things I love [about] working with her is that she creates a real safe space for you to talk about things. You know, hard things. Emotional stuff. Things that you normally don’t want to be discussing with just anybody because it requires a sense of vulnerability to be able to share things that you’re struggling with. She gives you opportunities for growing and thinking differently.

One of the biggest things I walked away with was having faith in what I had to offer. She asked me why I keep hiding my gifts from the world.​

I really highly recommend working with Dr. Henna. She’s really great. Even just a few sessions. Anything that she offers, give it a chance.

RUBEENA, Founder – The Gray Muse, NEW YORK, USA

Using Dr.Henna’s tools we figured out that a deeper reason runs through all of my worries, fears and problems. So if I tackle that first then I can achieve things much faster. If you want to have your goals align with your intuition, I highly recommend Dr.Henna’s offering and service.

GABRIEL HUG, Founder – Options Yoga, SWITZERLAND

Dr.Henna is a most amazing and empowering host and she holds space for you like a friend who is taking this journey with you. You can sense that she is genuinely interested in you succeeding.

Also, it was mind blowing for me to see the difference between what I thought I should do because it made sense mentally versus what I am actually meant to do. I discovered that, thanks to the meditation.

If you have resistance, she helps to have clarity. It was very important for me to see that my dreams for my business do belong with the present and they are not for the future one day.

DESIRÉE, Kundalini Yoga Teacher & Human Design Reader, ITALY


An Aura Reading with Dr.Henna has been a terrific experience. She is uncannily accurate at scanning chakras, reading energy imbalances and pointing out their source in events and habits. She readily makes a connection and is honest but also has a compassionate and non-judgemental manner that is quite reassuring. She has a soothing & positive presence and her insights and suggestions have really helped me make positive changes in my life. The Tarot reading was equally insightful. What is striking about Dr.Henna as a reader is her refusal to resort to any melodramatic pronouncements about the future and instead, her willingness to work patiently with the querent to get a higher perspective on underlying patterns in situations. I have found her to be a gifted reader of great integrity. I wish her the very best!

MEERA (Name Changed for Privacy), Celebrity International Bestselling Author, COLORADO, USA

Indian woman dancer

Dr.Henna is an angel in my life and I love her truly. I still remember how insecure I was when I went to her for an aura reading, there were certain vibrations that I felt and suddenly I poured my heart out. That moment was a release of all my negative energies and after the session I was so much relieved. I still didn’t know what did she did but my mind and heart were at peace and I realised this was actually me which I had lost somewhere. Things started changing after that. The power of faith came back and now I have got myself back. The trust which I have on her is immense. She is one of the most finest and the most beautiful people I have ever met.

AVIKA (Name changed for privacy), Award Winning A-List Actor, MUMBAI, INDIA

Open your hearts to the gift

that Dr.Henna has to offer

and she can become

a bridge to the rediscovery

of your true self.

STEVE, Sculptor & Digital Artist, MASSACHUSETTS, USA.

“Sessions with Dr.Henna were a journey into the depths of my soul. A journey which has left me awestruck and surprised me with so much insight and awareness. Her knowledge and techniques are simple and empowering, the focus is on the self and its amazing powers. I continue to use her techniques to keep growing and blooming into my best self! Dr.Henna’s extraordinary talent and knowledge will ensure you will not be stuck in the same old patterns, she will empower you with her knowledge so you can start trusting yourself and realise your inner self. Thank you Dr.Henna for all the wisdom and strength, it was one of the best decisions I ever took :)”


Creating a space of trust and warmth, Dr.Henna is intuitive and generous but also open-minded and direct: she is an exceptional soul who brings light and purpose to the practice of spiritual guidance. No one person can give you the answers to the questions you seek—for me, like many others, I am endeavouring to accept that is a journey for each of us, on our own. Her extraordinary gift was her guidance in helping me to understand and recognise the questions I was, in fact, trying to obscure or ignore but needed to accept. I am writing this after reflecting on our time together and the deep awareness and profound healing that her counsel offered me and if you find yourself reading this then I would say that if you are feeling drawn towards her guidance then trust that instinct. Dr.Henna doesn’t mince words but she is an absolute joy and she has mastered the art of kind delivery, and, importantly, she has dedicated herself to helping others and she does that with true beauty and grace. Namaste.

ALEXANDRA, Art Curator


“Thank you! It’s interesting how much you know about yourself and how much you don’t. Dr.Henna helped me find out which things I didn’t know about myself consciously; yet these things were hidden in my sub-conscious. She gave me great insight in my inner workings and how to work them out. I am very grateful for the reading you have done for me. Thank you, Namaste.”


Dr.Henna is beautiful from the inside out. She is an expert in what she does. She is patient, she is genuine, you can feel it in her loving energy while you work with her, you can genuinely feel that she is doing what she loves, what she was put on earth to do and she’s humble! I love you Henna! Thank you with all of my heart.

KEYON, Writer and Storyteller


“I can’t thank you enough for letting me experience your work. You’re a woman with huge talent and loads of spiritual gifts who has helped me bring a meaning to my life. I have experienced such a huge shift in my life . I always knew there is so much more to love and life but couldn’t really feel it because of my own blockages which you have helped me unblock with love and empathy. Your techniques are so much fun that I still continue doing them. I was always so curious about my guides and I couldn’t be more happy to have come across them all because of you. I literary feel that I’m evolving now. I’ve always been a spiritual seeker all my life but you have helped me get on the right track to be where I want to be. I feel so much supported now because I feel I’m always connected to the higher self and this knowing has come only after experiencing your work. You’re truly an amazing person. Thank you so much for all the unbound love, support and guidance .”​

MANJUSHA, Interior Designer, DELHI, INDIA

We had an amazing Session with Dr.Henna. She was spot on with her predictive insights, made us feel wonderfully comfortable, was intuitively sensitive to our thoughts and feelings and guided us on how to overcome the obstacles. The best thing was that the session was wonderfully spaced out- time was the last thing we had in mind. Her Aura reading was near-perfect, and the Tarot cards accurately reflected our present and past state, making us confident about her future predictions. Thanks Henna for the brilliant session! God Bless

MEGHA & SAMEER, Corporate Professionals, CANADA.

In one month I have learned so much about spirituality that I now feel transparent and weightless. I have learned how to be alert towards my feelings, how to feel happy NOW and how to STAAAAY HAPPY! :) I have realized that working with the chakras is SO IMPORTANT to achieve this, and Dr.Henna has taught me how to make my chakras glow!

CHAANDNI, Graphic Designer


That Dr.Henna! She connects with the Mother load and drops golden gumdrops, revealing missing parts of your soul from way back. Through her high frequency she brings us the good, the bad and the ugly truths we need to kick our own butts into understanding our biggest issues here in this lifetime. Her chakra assessment was A+. There’s something very grounding about her work, which is surprisingly helpful for a soul reading. Personality wise she has many amazing traits including power, care, brilliance, humor, wisdom, upliftment, and she is very professional. I felt in great hands with Eva and what she told me was very exciting and feels true.

ALISON, Astrologer


Dr.Henna really helped me through a difficult phase in my life and she most definitely contributed to my success in something I was craving for so long. However, I was expecting some kind of coaching session and actually found much more.
I contacted her regarding an examination which I forbade myself to pass fearing to be rejected by the exam board.Through deep relaxation and visualizing, Dr.Henna took me on a vivid and positive inner journey during which I stayed absolutely conscious of everything and aware of every detail. In only one session (how can this even be possible ?), Dr.Henna immediately spotted that I suffered from a pattern of rejection rooted in childhood trauma and helped me reconnect with my inner child. She held the space in a sacred way and guided me through reconnecting with ME : I saw places from my childhood, I saw and felt my inner self, my best self, the one I should always care for…
In the end, she did more for me than simply helped me achieve a goal (I also passed the exam, hurray!) : she helped me reconnect with my inner light.
It was so spontaneous and so deeply healing that I was flabbergasted after the session.
As she advised, I journaled and I am still processing this life-changing experience. I now can hold onto this beautiful memory to always give myself the trust and love I’ve always deserved. I couldn’t recommend her enough as she truly guided me inwards to find a treasure I needed to find to be able to go forward.
« I came out with this uplifting sentence while journaling : “true luck is the light of the inner child.” »

TEG ARTI, Educator


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